Thursday, September 4, 2008


One thing I have my students do is a 10 minute free write.  I tell them that even if they get stuck, to continue writing.  They can write sentences such as, "My brain is stuck and I don't know what to write but I'm going to keep writing."  It's hard for some students to continue writing while it's a breeze for others. 

On 8.22.08 I let my students write about whatever they wanted.  In fact, it was the first time I'd done this timed free write with them.  I want to share something one of my students, Rob, wrote.  It's not perfect English, but there is some depth there.  

"Being an African American boy growing up in the streets is not always easy.  We are often treated unfairly by the police and many different circumstances we are often judged on our image other than our personality.  And I think this is very unfair how people think of me and my race.  Yesterday I just found out that in the second grade, if you were an African American and you had behavior problems and learning disabilities, the government has already built prison cells for you.  People think our society is the best thing going and fair but it's actually not.  I do have to admit it has gotten better.  But some things may never change.  I'm stuck I don't know what to write.  I'm stuck I don't know what to write.  I also found out that black men are always a part of logistics in our society.  People always use us.  For example, if you're African and your dad is in prison, there is a 75% chance you will be too.  My job is to fight this and not let it happen.  I want to be successful and do the right thing and have a family and take care of them.  I'm stuck I don't know what to write.  I'm stuck.  But growing up African American isn't all that bad when you do the right thing.  There are many programs for blacks in a lower class neighborhood such as Oak Park where I live."

Rob was shot and killed the same day he wrote this.  It was heart wrenching to return to school the following Monday.  Rob was a student who was turning his life around.  He had a 3.8 GPA and was doing well in all his classes.  He had hopes and dreams and his promising life was cut short.  This is an experience I will never forget.  He touched the lives of many and will always be remembered.


~Cynthia and Girls~ said...

I am so sorry to hear about Rob! My heart goes out to everyone he's touched in his short life!

Tim, Casey, Landon, and Claire said...

WOW! Here I was just reading along and BAM!!! So very heartbreaking. Our prayers are with you and your students.

Unknown said...

I'm thinking about you, Kersi!

garcias said...

Wow, what a terrible story. It is so hard to see bad things happen to people who are trying so hard to get out of the statistics. Life is so hard at times. I hope more people can be like Rob.