Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Saturday School

If you've never watched the above Bugs Bunny cartoon, please do yourself a favor and watch it now.  It is one of my all-time favorites.  Yesterday Ryan and I drove up to Hooterville to spend Father's Day with the fam.  Unfortunately, we arrived after all the festivities had died down.  I am endowing my old lappy upon my dad and as a test to see how slow/quick the internet was on it, i began looking for cartoons on YouTube.  I found this one.  It wasn't until after I watched it that I realized how smart the people behind the cartoons are.  If you were to compare this cartoon with something that kids watch on TV today, I'm sure you'd find more dialogue in today's cartoons.  What I appreciate about this cartoon, and most of the cartoons from my day, is that there wasn't much dialogue, but there was a lot of classical music.  There are studies, blah blah blah, about the impact and influence of classical music.  I love that these cartoons had classical music in them and that that music played such a large part in the stories.   

I was hoping this post would come out sounding a bit more intelligent and intellectual.  I'm going to guess that the current time (almost 1:00 AM) may have something to do with it.  I took an extra long nap late in the day and sleep isn't coming so quickly tonight.