Our kids aren't going to be inheriting much as far as drawing goes. Music, on the other hand, they'll have a head start. Whew! So last night, Ryan and I had an at home art date. We grabbed a big box of markers and some computer paper and challenged each other to drawing. We might actually do ok at a round of Win Lose or Draw!, but for serious drawing? Please don't seek out us. We had to share our art work with you because we knew you'd want a good laugh.
My rendition of Ryan.
Ryan drew me out walking Zoe.
And then he attempted to draw my face. The Shel Silverstein-esque drawing below that is his attempt at capturing a shark face that I make.
Then we drew a representation of our first meeting. Above is mine.
This one is Ryan's. He actually does some cute stick figure drawings.
I think these are my favorite. The challenge was to draw Zoe's glow-worm with our feet. Above is mine.
The Grinch twin is Ryan's version of the glow-worm.
I couldn't get this picture to face the right direction, but that's what we were using as our model. We certainly had some good laughs last night. Hopefully you got something uplifting out of this.